Built with O&Ms since day 1
From the very first sketch, biped involved Orientation and Mobility (O&M) specialists, low vision experts and end-users. biped's team has been actively developing NOA with the Ophthalmic Hospital in Lausanne as well as various centers around the globe.
The mobility app
The hardest, when training someone on a new technology, is to understand the technology first. That's why our team developed a smartphone application that helps O&M specialists during training sessions. The app connects over Bluetooth to the NOA device of the user and provides a full transparency on what is happening in the device: the GPS that the user should follow, the location of the obstacles and the descriptions that the AI system provided.
The training program
If you're interested to introduce NOA to a customer, but not sure how to get started, this is your starting point! We created a full onboarding manual. It's quick to read, helps you become a product expert, and most importantly, it has a full training template that we designed with mobility trainers locally.
We publish, once a month, a newsletter update about the latest AI features of NOA